Insights & Opinions
Taiwan Series Showcase and Co-production Incentives│Series Mania 2020
Live showcase of Taiwan’s latest series, market trends and co-production incentives & resources. The showcase invites key players and top producers from Taiwan to talk about topics on:
– Why is Taiwan your best co-production partner in Asia
– Exclusive reveal presented by SCREENWORKS ASIA
– Universal & Culture-specific Properties in Taiwan Series
– Taiwan’s creative scene and LGBTQ trends
Hosted by TAICCA (Taiwan Creative Content Agency), in partnership with Séries Mania
Frameline Talk: Taiwan Focus
As part of our Focus on Taiwan series, come listen to a diverse panel of filmmakers and industry professionals. This in-depth talk will cover the rise of LGBTQ+ cinema in Taiwan, its rich past, its recent successes on Netflix and other popular streaming platforms, and where it could be heading next.